Person, Table, Indoors, Interior Design, Foyer, Reception, Potted Plant, Crowd, Jeans, Monitor

Important Notice: Beware of Job Scams

Job scams have become increasingly common and typically involve people pretending to be recruiters or employers.  Scammers create false identities or impersonate legitimate people or companies and generally contact their intended targets via email.  Their goal is to steal your money or in some cases, your identity.

There are several warning signs of a typical job scam:

  • A job offer that seems too good to be true.
  • Messages or offer letters containing spelling or grammar mistakes.
  • Messages that aren't addressed to you personally or that are sent from an email address not associated with the company allegedly offering the job. (Ancestry employee email addresses end in 
  • Messages asking you for personal or financial information.

How to Protect Yourself:

  • Verify the recruiter’s identity by checking their LinkedIn profile and the company’s official website.
  • Be cautious of unsolicited job offers and requests for personal information.
  • Contact the company directly using information from their official website to confirm the legitimacy of the job offer.
  • Report suspicious emails to your email provider and/or the job platform you were contacted through (i.e. LinkedIn).

Ancestry posts its available positions exclusively on If you view a job posting on another site and it does not click through directly to the Ancestry careers website linked above, it is likely not a legitimate job. 

Your safety and security are our top priority. If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of a job offer from our company, please reach out to us directly through our official contact channels ( Stay vigilant and protect yourself from job scams.

If you believe you have been the victim of a scam, you can report it to your local law enforcement agency or to the Federal Trade Commission at: